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Niranjan R Bharati

The Writer

Aah! So you wanna know the boy who wields the pen!

Welcome to my world of fiction, mystery and...

questionable taste in literature.

I remember writing my first complete

novel back in 6th grade, and I don't think

that kid has died in me since.

My writing has now changed from being someone who writes

novels to comics to articles to screenplays, I still have a place for all of them in my heart.

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Published Books

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Vichitrasootram Annual 2023
(Published February 2024)

Published Articles

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"When Father & Son Go For A Walk"
(Published  February 2024)
- Unni R
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"When My Mind Goes Quiet"
(Published May 2021)
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"Why Ms.Marvel Made
Me Feel So Special"

(Published August 2022)
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"I Draw Quarantine Comics to
Cheer Everyone Up"

(Published April 2020)


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All works owned by Niranjan R Bharati

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